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What is Trustsigned?

Trustsigned increases the conversion of your download-shop!

Trustsigned marks downloaded files with an unique signing-key, so that you can detect later, who the legal owner of each file is. If a pirate copy appears, you can ascertain fast and easy, who bought the file in the past, so that you can bring him over the coals. The customers are informed of course, before they load a file down, that itīs not allowed to copy files for third parties. So they are careful with their bought files and donīt give them further to other people.

Through the plurality of pirate copies, shopowners of download-shops sustained high losses on their conversions. Trustsigned makes it possible now, that your customers recommend your webshop instead of giving files to third parties. This makes more conversion for you!

The functionality

  • A customer orders a file inside your webshop (ebook, image, etc.)
  • After he has payed, he comes to the "download area" of your webshop
  • He clicks at a link like "download file" in your webshop
  • Through a connection between your webshop and the Trustsigned signing-server, the file is transfered and singed (encoded transfer)
  • Your customer will be informed in a download-mask at the Trustsigned server, that he isnīt allowed to give the file further to third parties
  • Your customer clicks at "start download"
  • The signed file will be downloaded to the computer of your customer

The signed file contains explicit informations of your customer. You can check files anytime in your customerarea. There you get explicit informed, which customer has ordered the file in the past.

Trustsigned canīt prohibit, of course, that files are given to third parties. But our experience showed us, that customers are more careful with their bought files and donīt give them careless further to third parties. Much more customers will recommend your webshop, the shop where they have bought their files. Because nobody wants to risk an accusal through piracy - if it can be proven.

Conclusion: Trustsigned marks downloaded files and increases the number of your orders through reducing piracy.

to our products

Independent of conversion
