Cachet, Certificate, Onlineshop, Shop, Website, Plattform, Internetplattform, certificate, ecommerce, trust, certification mark, quality mark, customer ratings
Cachet, Certificate, Onlineshop, Shop, Website, Plattform, Internetplattform, certificate, ecommerce, trust, certification mark, quality mark, customer ratings
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Cachet, Certificate, Onlineshop, Shop, Website, Plattform, Internetplattform, certificate, ecommerce, trust, certification mark, quality mark, customer ratings
Cachet, Certificate, Onlineshop, Shop, Website, Plattform, Internetplattform, certificate, ecommerce, trust, certification mark, quality mark, customer ratings
Trustlabel - Certificate and Cachet
Get more customers which trust you...
Website |
E-Commerce small |
Professional |
 just 4,90 € / month - Trustlabel-Certificate Light - Cachet assigning - Realtime verifying - 256Bit key - 1 URL - no liability
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 just 29,90 € / month - Trustlabel-Cert. Standard - Cachet assigning - Realtime verifying - 256Bit key - 1 URL with 1 alias - Liability: bis 1.000 € - Customer Ratings
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 just 49,90 € / Monat - Trustlabel-Certificate Pro - Cachet assigning - Realtime verifying - 256Bit key - 1 URL with 10 aliases - Liability: bis 2.500 € - Customer Ratings
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Your advantages brought to the point:
- Brings reliability to your websites
- Increases trust to your internet project (webshop, website, blog)
- Increases the number of registrations, orders and bookings
- Reduces suspension of payments
Different scientific analysis brought the result, that purchase decisions are positive affected though trust. The more a human trusts a salesman or an onlineshop, the higher is the chance for deciding to purchase. Statistics tell us, that about one third of all purchasers break their online ordering because of lack of trust. With the Trustlabel-Cachet you can affect against this and increase the trust to your internet project.
With the Trustlabel certificate web visitors can be sure, that they are really at the original website and not at a probable beguilement (phishing).
The Trustlabel cachet can be proper used for onlineshops, internet plattforms, portals and for all websites where you want to optimize the trust of your visitors.
Cachet, Certificate, Onlineshop, Shop, Website, Plattform, Internetplattform, certificate, ecommerce, trust, certification mark, quality mark, customer ratings
Independent of conversion
At Trustlabel it doesn't matter how high your annual turnover is. This keeps your costs manageable!